Daily Archives: September 17, 2008

Kelly’s Baby Daddy

Last night, one of the most profound questions of the past few weeks was answered.  Who the hell is Kelly’s baby daddy?  I present to you the Baby, whose name is Sammy (picture courtesy of the CW):

So obviously, stop reading if you don’t want the spoiler.  But after a couple weeks of vague references to Sammy’s daddy, Brenda (aka Brinda) Walsh revealed the baby daddy as . . . DYLAN!

Can someone cue the record scratch please?  Because last I checked, Dylan looked like this:

And Kelly looks like this:

So how the hell do these two create a curly-haired blonde boy?  It was a while ago, but I recall learning about dominant/recessive genes in biology.  Kelly has blonde and straight locks.  Dylan is a natural brunette, hair also straight.  Dark hair and curly hair are both dominant traits.  Thus, in order for Sammy to be blonde, Dylan must carry a blonde recessive gene.  And in order for Sammy to have curly hair, either Kelly or Dylan must be carrying a dominant curly gene . . . but wait!  That would not be possible given the current ruler-straight status of Dylan and Kelly’s locks!

My verdict then:  Kelly and/or Dylan use a straightening iron every morning or . . .

The kid is not Dylan’s.  It’s STEVE’s!  Thoughts???

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Basic Qualification: Accurately Pronounce “Nuclear”

So the hubby and I were watching clips of the Palin interview with Gibson, when the hubby’s shrewd auditory sense honed in on this:

Hmm . . . I wonder what other politicians have been unable to pronounce this word?

Something tells me that Sarah Barracuda needs to find some new speech writers?  Or perhaps she just needs to give Hooked on Phonics a try?  Follow the bouncing dot Sarah:  NU CLE AR.  There you go!  That’s the way a hockey mom does it.  Your neighbor, Putin, would be proud!

And just for shits and giggles, I present to you the Barracuda’s broken record of lies:

Umm . . . so who was that person who looked just like you who publicly proclaimed support for the Bridge to Nowhere?  To your attempts to woo this Hillary-supporter, I say this.  Today, tomorrow and in perpetuity: “Thanks, but no thanks.”

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Filed under Personal Pontification